Sunday 19 April 2015

#‎MOTIVATED!Do you know the universe is waiting for you? (Five (5) p’s in receiving from the universe)‪

From the creation processes the universe was created to respond to its inhabitant, be it man, animals and even plants. The two ways responses are born out of our definite desires.
This desire is framed in the form of dreams, wishes or wants and its realization is the result of exchanging our desire with the demand of universe.

This definite desire is classified as a raw material to be processed by the universe and give back to the inhabitant as a product and byproduct. The product is the actual thing we desire to actualize of our pursuit while the byproduct is those things that accompany our desires. Eg: Fame and endorsement.
The universe response to creatures in the sense that whatsoever thing living being desire and earnestly pursue, that is exactly what the universe will give back to us and even more. Be it money (riches), power (authority) or respect (fame) and love, happiness or peace as long as it is definite, intense and are seriously pursued the universe will make it available to you.

The universe operates like a computer system, garbage in garbage out. Whatsoever a man wishes to get out of his life that is exactly what the universe will give back to you. Ideally, “The outcome of our pursuit depends on the degree of our desires and our seriousness in actuality.

Five (5) P’s in receiving from universe.

1. Project: Project here is regarded as what one desires to achieve in any areas of his live. For the universe to respond to you, you must have a project for which you want to see come to pass.

2. Plan: This is an outline and detailed method or procedure on how you choose to achieve these desires. Planning is of essence in any areas of our involvements. If you must excel effortlessly planning is inevitable. So learn to plan today!

3. Principles: The fundamental truth or law as the basis of reasoning and living or action. It could be a personal code of conduct coming from a person of higher power/authority. It is the law of nature forming the basis for the operation or working and of on the basis of a moral attitude. As a matter of fact principles are what guides life. Principle of sow and reap, principle of work and wage, principle of meting and procreation. Virtually everything on earth exists as a result of principles. So discover the principle(s) of your project today.

4. Performance: An act (action), process (series of stage), or manner of performing or functioning applied in execution of a project (desires, plans, duty etc.). It could also be regarded as the amount of time spent in perfecting and actualizing the set goal. The time spent per project could be determined from the level and degree of the project. It could be in weeks, months or even years. The continuous performance is one of the greatest tips in receiving from the universe. Perseverance and persistence as we all know are the key words and when add with a degree of review and correction along the way makes a great impart.

5. Pray(er): To pray is an act of request or thanksgiving in respect to your desire. It is a physical exercise performs by an individual or group of individuals. These individual or group is whom I regarded as the prayer(s). Now, the prayer and to pray is a channel of communication between man and divinity. It is believed that all things in existence have a source of supply. Be it knowledge or materials hence nothing that exist ought not to exist. Pray(er) has been stated to be the only proven and guaranteed avenue in gaining access from divinity, access to whatever the desires or projects we are planning or involved. So reconsider pray(er).

In summary, receiving from the universe is real and it depends on your successful completion of the five p’s.

© Copyright (2015), Duru Obinna U.
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