Saturday 28 February 2015

TECHNOLOGY NEWS: A shuttle bringing employees to Yahoo's campus.

A shuttle bringing employees to Yahoo's campus.Credit Jim Wilson/The New York Times
Bus drivers who shuttle workers from their homes to six large employers in Silicon Valley voted Friday to join the Teamsters union to negotiate better wages and working conditions.

The 158 full-time and part-time drivers involved actually work for Compass Transportation, but they transport workers to and from the offices of Apple, Yahoo, eBay, Zynga, Genentech and Amtrak. In November, the drivers of Facebook’s shuttles, who work for Loop Transportation, also voted to join the Teamsters.

The tech buses have become a symbol of the San Francisco Bay Area’s changing economy. More tech workers are choosing to live in urban areas like San Francisco and commute to suburban corporate campuses 30 or even 60 miles away. That has created competition for scarce housing, driving up rents and home prices.

The working conditions of the drivers — who make it possible for big tech companies to recruit employees who live far away — have become one flash point in the region’s debate over the gap between highly paid technology workers and the lower-paid workers who provide crucial support services. Particularly vexing to the drivers are split shifts, in which they must navigate the hulking buses through thick Silicon Valley traffic during the morning and evening commutes, without enough time to go home or rest properly between the work stints.

“This is another step, in addition to the Facebook drivers, for the workers who support the tech industry to move forward toward decent wages, affordable health care and a pension for the future,” said Rome Aloise, secretary-treasurer of Teamsters Local 853, in a statement.

The vote to unionize was 104 to 38.

The Facebook drivers recently ratified a new contract with Loop, which awaits the approval of Facebook before going into effect. According to the union, the contract would raise the average pay of drivers to $24.50 an hour from $18 now  and provide new benefits like paid vacation and health insurance.


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